Thursday, August 23, 2007

Kickstarting her Harley! LOL

This kid cracks me up. She is soo mobile for only three months. I wish we had a video camera cause I'd like to document what she does when she gets all excited. I can lay her on her changing table to change her diaper and she is a baby that you have to move fast with - she wiggles! Always has...even in the womb. She'll push off with her feet and move herself upwards and usually ends up with her head jammed up against the head of her changing table. She also lifts her legs up toward her stomach and just kicks like crazy all smiles and all excited. And now that she is talkin' - oh, yeah..she can talk! LOL In fact, she is talking away right now as her and Ron watch some kind of "beat 'em up" challenge on TV. Anyway, she kicks soo much that Ron jokes that it looks like she is trying to kickstart her Harley. And he is right! That's what it looks like! The pics below show her smiles when she gets excited.

1 comment:

Kris said...

What a beautiful smile. She is sure looks alot like her daddy...:o) What a cutie!!