Sunday, November 18, 2007

Guess what?

Natalie turned six months yesterday (November 16, 2007). I can't believe it has been six months.... She has started to turn over. ALL THE WAY OVER. She can roll from one end of a blanket to another. She also sits up now. Not very good and she still falls over, but she sits up! She is soo different from Kaia when she was this age, it is hard to believe all of the differences. Natalie grabs for everything! You can't put anything near her....NOTHING. She knows what to do with a cup and if you have yours too close, watch out. You can see from pictures below that she get antsy when she can't get to something. She had one knee bent like she was going to push herself towards a toy. I'm really hoping she isn't going to crawl soon. I'm not ready for that!

Kaia is still doing Girl Scouts and Ballet. The ballet class is a basic one and I think she is starting to get bored. But the next class will be more fun. At six years old, one just doesn't understand the importance of having the basics down. On top of all this, you gotta hear her read! Wow - she amazes me in how quickly she has picked it up since starting first grade. She was a good reader last year but she is just soaring to new heights. She gets impatient and kind of lazy sometimes with it. She looks at the first letter and just throws out a word. When I tell her to stop and look at it, she does. And then she gets it right away. Not quite sure where the hurry came from. I love reading with her everynight. I thought the homework part with kids wouldn't be any fun. But she reads every night and every night I enjoy sitting and listening. Kaia reads books to Natalie who of course tries to grab the book and eat it. Kaia never did that either.....I'm starting to wonder what the differences will be between the two of them as they get older. Hmmm.....I won't think of that right now, or any time soon. Natalie is growing soo fast, I feel like she already isn't a baby.....and she is only six months old!!

My Favorite New Pictures!!!

When I post pictures here, I usually pick a few of the best from the whole photo shoot I do. But she was in such a smiley mood while I took these that I just couldn't pick which ones to post here. So, I posted them all! These are my new favs! Pictures taken 11/10/2007.

Something Beautiful About Sleeping Babies....

Isn't there just something beautiful about a sleeping baby? C' gotta admit there is. I'm embarrased to admit how many pictures I have of this particular baby sleeping. :-)

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Hmmm....maybe we should buckle her in.

Pictures taken 09/27/07 - Ok, so maybe we should buckle this kid in, huh? We do now....ever since this time she comfortable moved herself to the edge. She is such a wiggler, as most of you know. You put her down anywhere and in minutes (and sometimes seconds) she is completely turned over, backwards and upside down, or in this case.....

Play Date with Gabriel :-)

Pictures taken 10/9/07 - Gabriel came over for a play date. They frequently ask for a play date together and they play soo well together and keep each completly occupied, it is hard to say no. :-) Besides...I can still hope that maybe one day he becomes my son-in-law. Ok, I know....silly, right. But I can hope....... Each time he comes over, they want to use the white board. Kaia said she'd show him how good she is at drawing "fashion clothes" and I think Gabriel did really well at pretending he was interested. LOL They even babysat Natalie for me while I got them a snack.

Tummy Time

I gotta point out something in this recent layout. Look at the pictures in the bottom left hand corner....see that cute little butt in the air and see how she moves? ACK! She absolutely can not start being mobile yet. I'm sooooooooooooooooo not ready for that. :-( Where is my newborn? Did you note the date today? She is now five months old!

Monday, October 15, 2007

It was a reading kind of night.....

Kaia had to bring pictures to school last week of her and family members to read. So I took advantage of the photo op and took these pictures! Natalie will be 5 months tomorrow!!! Makes me sad....I don't want her to grow up. It seems just like yesterday that she was born.

Later at bed time, she read to Ron also! And yes, you know me....had to take more pictures! This one cracks me up. They were being sooo goofy. You have no idea how many pictures I had to take just to get a good one of both of them looking at me......but then I chose to put this one here instead. LOL

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Some of my new favorites! :-)

Pictures taken 9.16.07 - Natalie turned four months on the day we took these pictures up at my dad (Papa) and Bren's house in Wasilla. It was beautiful out that day as you'll see in more picture that I post after these.
(don't forget that you can click on the pictures to view them bigger)

Natalie's First Plane Ride

On 9.11 of this year, Natalie had her first plane ride. Weird....6 years ago the day before the real 9.11, Kaia had her first plane ride.....what a coinkidink. :-) We put her in the seat in between us because Kaia moved up to sit next to Nana. Natalie slept some of the way, got a little fussy once but not too bad. You can see Kaia peeking through the seats in front of us checking up on her little sister. LOL

Do we have a thumb sucker???

Picture taken 9.5.07 - I thought this was sooo cute! And much to Ron's dislike, I really do hope she is a little thumb sucker. :-) I sucked my thumb until I was old enough to remember it! I'm not sure what age though...six? Seven? I'd have to ask my parents....

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Kaia Tries Her Hand (um...foot) at Soccer

Kaia's dad grew up playing soccer and wanted Kaia to try it. I know he'd be really excited if she followed in his footsteps with it and I too hope she does. Well, ok..being a mom I hope she excels in everything she does. But soccer is actually a team sport that I understand. LOL She was really hesitant at the beginning of the season but she really likes it now and gets better with every practice and every game! I've added black arrows to help you distinguish Kaia from her teammates.

Gabriel & Kaia

Gabriel and Kaia have been begging to have a playdate forever now....and they finally did. Gabe walked into Kaia's new playroom and said, "How SWEET is this!!!" It was soo cute. Kaia let him come up in her very special loft that is all hers. It was built so she could get away from the baby as soon as Natalie is crawling and walking and following her around. LOL Kaia also took Gabe to show him her box of "special things" that she has in her room. They went through the whole box and she told him about each one.

And yes...I have every intention of saving these pictures and bribing the two of them later on in life.....*giggle* Ya never know what the future holds for these two that have referred to each other as husband and wife since they were three years old. Of course now that they get teased relentlessly, they both deny it. We'll see.....