Wednesday, January 2, 2008

More pictures to come....

I have a gazillion pictures to post here. I'm way behind with the holidays that were crazy. And the only time I get to do this is after the girls go to bed. I'd post more now but it is 10:44 and tomorrow is a dreaded work day. :-) Coming soon are Kaia's Girl Scout Xmas Party, a good family friend's Bday party, Christmas (which will take me a while to wade through the 200 pictures I took), cute Natalie and Kaia bath pics, and Natalie and Kaia sledding! Check back soon.....

Natalie is starting to eat solids!

Pictures taken 12/16/07. We began introducing Natalie to solid foods. And wow oh wow, does this kid love food!!! It is actually entertaining to feed her. Below we gave her Baby Mum-Mums, rice cookies that turn to mush really quickly and can be given to babies as young as 4 months. Natalie loves them. Her high chair is one of the very few things I saved from when Kaia was a baby. It is WAY too big for her but it does all kinds of cool things that make it easy for younger babies to sit in. Natalie really likes sitting in it. As you can see....she is just kicked back. Check out how she positions her feet! That cracks me up!

Supposed to be our Christmas Card

Do you have any idea how hard it was to get everyone in the house at the same time and at a decent hour when kids aren't cranky? Well, next year...I'll have to carefully plan it. I didn't get everyone in the picture but I settled for just the girls. I had wanted to make this our Christmas card, but well...time just got away from me. Pictures taken 12/16/07 (Natalie turned seven months that day!)

I think either the one above or the one below would have been our picture of choice.

And of every parent who takes pictures of kids knows, ya gotta take at least 30 pictures to get a few good ones. Thank goodness for digital. The ones above are the good ones and I have a whole lot of not-so-good ones too. But I just had to show some of those too as they are entertaining:

Notice Kaia trying to covertly tickle Natalie above? Well, Natalie is really ticklish....and she wasn't able to hide it very well. :-)

Eating is too much work....

Pictures taken 12/15/07. So, everyone has these pictures of babies asleep in their high chairs. And we've all seen them but you just gotta see these ones. They are soooo cute! LOL

A visit from Grandma & Grandpa Travis!

Pics taken 12/9/07. Grandma and Grandpa Travis came to visit us in December and it was a ton of fun. We took pictures, went out to eat, went for a drive "out the road," spent a whole day driving around Juneau, and just sat around visiting (my favorite part!). I really had a good time while they were here. Here are a few of the pics we took! Don't forget that you can click on the images to see them bigger.