Sunday, May 20, 2007

Natalie's First Bath

Natalie's first bath experience cracked me up. It was just like Kaia's first bath - she wasn't a happy camper and yeah...she basically screamed the whole time....sigh. But it was still fun and check out the unhappy face I captured. :-)
In the picture above Ron turned Natalie over so Kaia could wash her butt. :-) Kaia got the biggest kick out of that.

I'll be taking more pictures of Natalie's toes. You can't tell from this picture but they are the longest toes I've ever seen. And she has the skinniest little feet.......Kaia had what my mom and I called sausage feet. I wonder if Natalie will have those too.....later on.

1 comment:

JohannaL said...

Just love your stories and photos about your new daughter and family. i gave birth 1 month ago, my third daughter. It is so great to see photos of baby life from other side of the world.
BR Johanna from Finland