Thursday, July 12, 2007

Kaia's SECOND Success This Week!

Kaia lost her first tooth two days ago! She is sooo proud! But first...let me tell you the story. :-) Ron and I looked in her mouth to check the tooth and see how it was doing. It has been loose for over a month and we thought she would have lost it long ago. But she has been avoiding using the tooth at all to eat, so it has just hung in there. But this day when we checked it, it was just hanging there. We didn't want her to lose it that night while sleeping and swallow it. She has a special little alligator shaped box that her Nana bought her that says "My first tooth" on it and so losing it would have been a big disapointment to her. So, we convinced her it was time to pull it out. :-) At first she was excited! So above you see this semi-nervous smile on her face. She is wiggling it and the thought of losing it and getting a dollar from the tooth fairy makes her giggle.
Then she starts to get nervous. She was scared of it hurting and she didn't want it to bleed. She doesnt like the smell of blood. LOL
Then sigh....the trauma starts. She gets really upset because by now 20 minutes has passed and she's had time to think about it.
Ron talks to her and tries to show her how to do it. She wants to do it herself and we were fine with that. this time she wouldn't let us touch her mouth. LOL Saliva started making everything slippery so we gave her a tissue and told her to use that to grab her tooth. That didn't work either. By this time we were all getting frustrated but Ron and I were trying not to show Kaia we were laughing and rolling our eyes.

So then we tried string..... We told her that we'd put the string around her tooth but then let her do the pulling. Well, her little tongue couldn't stay out of the way and kept pushing the string right back off the tooth when we got it on.

We had to quit our efforts because Nana was flying in for a couple of days from being on vacation (she wanted to see Kaia before Kaia left for a trip to Mexico with her dad). Kaia decided she wanted her Nana to pull her tooth because "Nana was gentle and we weren't". ROFL! But by this time we were fine with that. Whatever got that stubborn tooth out. We couldn't figure out what was holding it in. It was just hanging there!SUCCESS!!! Nana was able to pull Kaia's tooth and guess what? Just like we told Kaia, she didn't even feel it! Kaia put her tooth in her little alligator box and put it near her pillow with a note saying:

1 comment:

Podam said...

That's adorable. I remember loosing my first tooth the exact same way, except I had no Nana to help me. My mum and dad sat up with me till late at night so I could get the tooth out before falling asleep, and somehow it got out, just like that.