Thursday, July 12, 2007

Look at Kaia! She's Had a BIG Week! :-)

Kaia's been learning how to ride a bike for about three years now. She gave up for quite a long while because she got frustrated. Then she simply had no interest. Until this summer.... I guess six is the age where kids start watching other kids and wanting to do everything they are doing. So this summer when all the neighborhood kids left to go on bike rides, Kaia got left behind. :-( She came in crying more than once. So Ron and I got her bike back out and it didn't take long (just a day or two) before she was cruising on training wheels (yeah.....we kind of had to start over). Then Ron loosened the training wheels to the point where she wasn't even really using them....but we kept them on because they made her feel secure about riding. Then this day below, Kaia was riding her bike and she stopped momentarily to talk to me. While I kept her talking, Ron snuck behind her and took her training wheels off. She didn't even notice! LOL
Then five minutes later after she continued to ride around, she stopped, looked down at one side of her back tire with this confused look. Looked at the other one, and looked back and forth. Then she looked at us standing there innocently in the driveway. LOL She yelled "Mama!!! Ronnie!!!" ROFL! It was sooo funny. We started clapping and cheering and she was ecstatic!!!

Until about five minutes later when someone ran into her with their big wheel......
She cried and cried and I thought she'd bring neighbors out of their houses wondering what was going on. She said "I'm never riding my bike again when other people are around!!!" Have I mentioned she is a very dramatic six year old? :-)
So we had a talk again about what happens in life when you fall down. Five minutes later when we reviewed our talk and I asked her, "What happens when you fall down?" And she said..."You get right back up!" That's my good girl! :-) And that's exactly what she did......look at her go!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.